Inside of Church view from the back

Parish Registration

Parish Registration is for those who are new to the parish and for those who have not yet gotten around to registering. While everyone who lives in the parish boundaries is automatically a parishioner of the parish, nevertheless, we invite you to consider registering for a number of reasons.

Firstly and genuinely, in times of emergency, like a death in the family or illness or someone taking sick at Church, it can happen that we have no contact information for a person. Secondly, if you live outside the parish, then one must register in order to establish that you indeed are a parishioner. Thirdly, for certain services like reference letters, without registration, we cannot provide such.

Registration is also helpful for the church when it comes to planning and as a way for you to let the parish know how you can share your gifts at the service of God and His people.

Therefore, we hope you will seriously consider registering. As well, we would appreciate it if you would let the parish know if you move away so we can keep our records up to date. 

To start the registration process, please click here to access the parish registration form.